Peer observation
A practice for individual and collective teaching professional development

In this session, the pair of teachers should agree on aspects such as the following:
Objective of the observation. The objective should be focused on any aspect of the teaching practice and linked to some subject in which both teachers have references (e.g., because they have received training, because they have read up on the topic, because they are involved in a process of innovation...). We recommend that the observation objective be the same for both members of the couple.
Observation indicators. It is advisable to have an agreed observation table. It is about collecting evidence, so few indicators are suggested, which should correspond to visible actions. To make a good specification of the indicators, you can consult this document. At the end of this page there is also an example of a table, focused on the communication of the students' learning objectives.
Duration of the observation. At least one full class session is recommended.
Data collection. During the observation, it is recommended that the person observing use the table with indicators to facilitate the observation, previously adjusted. It is recommended to record the session (for internal use), with the intention of selecting small snippets that will be useful later during the feedback session.
Review of the action guides of the person who observes in the feedback session, adjusting or clarifying the aspects that are considered appropriate (see this document).
Review of the action guides of the person observed in the feedback session, adjusting or clarifying the aspects that are considered appropriate (see this document).
Confidentiality. If appropriate, the teachers can sign an agreement to preserve the confidentiality of the information derived from the observation.
Agreements from the pre-observation session can also be collected in a document like the one we provide below.